President's family members’ company is engaged in farming in Karabakh

President's family members’ company is engaged in farming in Karabakh
13 Dekabr 2023
Mətni dəyiş

Among the companies engaged in planting and harvesting in Karabakh, there are companies owned by the family members of the president's daughters, the head of the State Security Service Ali Naghiyev, and the head of the president's security service, Baylar Ayyubov.

Following the occupation of Jabrayil, 86-year-old Sattar Veysalov had to move into Baku where he recreated his garden. Now, after 27 years, he wants to return to his liberated region and restore that bond again.

He says despite the loss of strength due to the age, he will pay whoever is necessary and start planting and harvesting on his lands again.

Sattar Veysalov, a resident of Jabrayil city: "We had 15 walnut trees and a mulberry tree in our yard. There were pears, apples, everything. We also planted potatoes and greens. Believe me, I bought a car by planting greens. I bought that car thanks to land. If they give us such land, we will gladly go and live there. It is our own homeland. Believe me, my heart longs for it”

Sattar Veysalov

While they wish to return to their regions and engage in farming, they do not know who has already established farms in these areas.

Vagif Veysalov, a resident of Jabrayil city: "Of course, authorities should divide the lands available there and give to those who already moved there, so people can go and do something. But I do not know how exactly this division will happen. For instance, my own home there, whether the land will be divided, or will there be construction, or somewhere else. In Zangilan, for instance, there has been a format for division. Will it be the same?  In any case, there should be a community, village, town and that should be informed on plans for relocation. I have not seen anything yet”

Vagif Veysalov

As soon as the war ended, planting work began in the territories of Azerbaijan freed from occupation. We are talking about 10,000 hectares of land. But this work is not done by displaced people, but by companies whose names are kept secret from the general public.

On February 2 of this year, on Youth Day, the president Ilham Aliyev spoke about the agricultural work carried out in the liberated areas in a meeting with the representatives of the youth.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan: "Now, various agricultural projects are being implemented in the liberated areas. I can say that this year it is planned to plant 40,000-50,000 hectares. It will ensure our food security. Most of the people working there are young people. That's why young people will certainly play a leading role in these affairs and they should show their own initiative.”

But does the government consider citizens only as a labor force in using the potential of liberated areas?

After all, following the First Karabakh War, in the 90s of last century, when the property and land of collective farms and state farms were distributed to villagers free of charge, IDPs were promised too.

And it was not just a dry word. This promise was reflected in the law On Land Reformadopted in 1996. Article 24 of the law about conducting land reform after the liberation of lands occupied as a result of military aggression of the Republic of Armeniastates:

QUOTE: "After the liberation of the occupied lands as a result of the military aggression of the Republic of Armenia, land reforms and the transfer of lands to the private ownership of the forcibly displaced persons are carried out in accordance with this Law. Reforming the lands freed from occupation and restoring the economy in those areas is carried out on the basis of the state program."

Baku city, July 16, 1996, No. 155 IQ

Heydar Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

However, there is still no information either about land reform, or about the state program whereas the use of agricultural lands has started.

But which companies are currently involved in these operations?

Natig Hasanov, the first deputy chairman of the Board of Directors of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency”, said in response to an information inquiry that: "There have been 180 applications received for activities in the field of agriculture in the territories freed from occupation. 10 of them involve investment. The demand of entrepreneurs for land varies from 10 hectares to 10,000 hectares.”

Natig Hasanov

Questions about the approved projects, their executors, and the investment needs of the projects were left unanswered.

Economic Zones Development Agency”, which provides state support for the creation of agroparks, also did not answer the question in the inquiry about the creation and operation of large farms on the liberated lands.

By the decree signed on April 27, 2021, president Ilham Aliyev temporarily assigned the authority to lease land for the production and processing of agricultural products in Karabakh to the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, the ministry can raise an issue before the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the assignment of land to the category of agricultural purpose, as well as the change of agricultural land within that category to the land intended for lease.

Toghrul Gafarbayli, head of the protocol sector of the Ministry of Agriculture: "The strategy carried out by the state in the field of agriculture is a long-term goal, because the support is given by the state in the form of subsidies, and subsidies are not meant for one or two years. It goes without saying that the lease of the lands here should be for a long period so that certain works can be done using these subsidies. Planting intensive gardens takes several years. In other words, I think that yes, the land leased or given in the form of property will be long-term.”

Toghrul Gafarbayli

Toghrul Gafarbayli did not reveal to which companies the land in Karabakh was leased and under what rules.

The relevant inquiry we sent to the Ministry of Agriculture was not answered as well

Toghrul Gafarbayli: "As far as I know, the large entities and large agro parks currently operating in the republic have been allocated shares based on applications. Foreign companies also participate here. States that are friendly to us can fully use their investments in territories liberated from occupation. In general, the largest agro parks and economic entities in country continue their work in those areas."

At the "Restoration, Reconstruction and Development of Karabakh" exhibition held in Baku in October of last year, Small and Medium Business Development Agency” announced the names of some companies engaged in farming in the liberated territories.

"AGROINKISHAF-2017" LLC was allocated 4000 square meters of land in Agdam district. The cost of the project is 1 million 900 thousand manats.

"AGRO FRESH" LLC was allocated 4560 square meters of land in Jabrayil district. The cost of the project is 5 million 300 thousand manats.

"AZERSUN" LLC was allocated 9000 square meters of land in Gubadli district. The cost of the project is 40 million manats.

A total of 52,000 square meters of land was allocated to "AGRO DAIRY" LLC in Agdam and Fuzuli regions. The cost of both projects is 851 thousand manats.

"KRAUN KO" LLC was allocated 23 thousand 100 square meters of land in Zangilan district. The cost of the project is 20 million manats.

In 2021, these companies planted a total of 8376.5 hectares. There is no official information about the collected product.

The above is not a complete list of companies intending to engage in agriculture in the liberated territories. There are 5 more business entities among them.

"AZAGROTAXIL" LLC - Territory: Karabakh and surrounding regions. The area required for planting is 10,000 hectares. The cost of the project is 52 million manats.

"AZERA TOKHUMCULUQ" LLC - Territory: Karabakh and surrounding regions. The area required for planting is 7,000 hectares. The cost of the project is 24.6 million manats.

"AGRO SELL-SERVICE" LLC - area - Area: Fuzuli region. The area required for planting is 15,000 hectares. The cost of the project is 8 million manats.

"ABSHERON AGRO-2020" LLC - Territory: Gubadli district. The area required for cultivation is 1000 hectares. The cost of the project is 6 million manats.

Individual entrepreneur Nasimi Karimov - Territory: Zangilan district. The area required for cultivation is 100 hectares. The cost of the project is 3 million manats.


The public has not yet been informed whether these projects have been approved or not. The companies that have transported the agricultural machinery to the freed lands are also not eager to share their work with the media. For example, Vugar Bakhtiyarli, director of "Agro Fresh" LLC, initially agreed to give an interview to "Abzas Media", but later changed his mind.

"Agro dairy" LLC, engaged in planting and harvesting in Karabakh, is managed by "Pasha Holding" group of companies. According to information as of March 31 of this year, shares in the Pasha Holding” are as follows; "Bless" LLC - 37.50%, "Reveri" LLC - 37.50%, Arif Pashayev - 15%, Mir Jamal Pashayev - 10%

Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva, daughters of President Ilham Aliyev, are the owners of "Bless" and "Reveri" LLC companies, which are listed as shareholders of "Pasha Holding”.

The appearance of these companies in liberated lands should not be considered coincidental. Many of them came here on the recommendation of the head of the country, Ilham Aliyev, who expressed this during his visit to Hajigabul district a year ago.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan: "I have advised the persons from the management of Agro Dairy and the Azersun agro park to create similar farms in the liberated lands, in Karabakh. And initial steps are being taken in this direction."

 Sabuhi Abdullayev, presented as the owner of "Crown Co-R" LLC, said in an interview to Public Television that they planted grain on 24,000 hectares of land in 2021 in Gubadli, Jabrayil, and Zangilan districts.

Sabuhi Abdullayev, owner of "Crown Ko-R" LLC company: "- In terms of hectares, we have 24 thousand hectares out of 55 thousand in Jabrayil, Zangilan and Gubadli districts...

- (Journalist) 24 thousand hectares?

- Yes.

- (Journalist asks) How do you plan? Do you want to increase those areas?

-Of course. In fact, the issue about increasing is due to reasons beyond our control. Because there are many mined areas. The state already has serious reforms and measures related to it. After the areas are cleared of mines, we are thinking of increasing it even more.”

Sabuhi Abdullayev

This company, which has 10,000 hectares of grain fields and grain warehouses in several regions, intersects with companies belonging to the family of State Security Service chairman Ali Naghiyev.

According to the information by the Ministry of Taxes in 2019, by the decision of the founders, "Crown Co-R" LLC was reorganized by the merge of 2 other LLCs ; "Crown Co-1" and "Crown Co". The director of two of these three companies is Zahid Amirov who is also the legal representative of "Mermaid's Wedding Palace" LLC, which belongs to the family of Ali Naghiyev, chairman of the SSS. He was also the legal representative of "Paradigma" LLC, which was dissolved earlier. The legal address of the company - Baku city, Sabail district, Azerbaijan, house 3 - is the same as the legal address of "Romb" LLC, where Ali Naghiyev's son Ilgar Naghiyev is the legal representative that was later liquidated

"Crown Ko-1" has the same legal address with "Mek-an'' and "Gilavar-M" LLCs which belong to the family members of Baylar Ayyubov, the head of the security service of President Ilham Aliyev. Gaze Hasanova, the legal representative of "Gilavar-M '' company, is Baylar Ayyubov's sister.

A "Friendly agropark" is being created in the First Agalı village of Zangilan, which is being rebuilt according to the "smart village" principle. This farm, which has 6000 hectares of land, was established with the participation of the Turkish company "Dost Ziraat Hayvancılık Sanayi Ticaret'' (Dost Agricultural Animal Husbandry Industry Trading LTD).  Investment of 100 million dollars is targeted for Agropark.

It is said that 500 people will be employed here. Turkish investors however, refused to answer the question about the identity of the partner of Agropark from Azerbaijan.

According to estimates, almost half of the arable land in the liberated territories was distributed among the companies. According to the calculations announced by the Ministry of Agriculture in October 2021, the total area of arable land in the liberated areas is about 127 thousand hectares. More than 2,000 hectares of it are orchards, vineyards, and perennial crops.

So far, the government has not made any announcements about the terms and principles of land reform in the liberated areas.

Vahid Maharramov, an expert on agriculture and the chairman of the Public Association for Support of Agrarian Reforms, believes that by deciding in favor of large entrepreneurs and monopolists in the distribution of arable land, the government lays the foundation for problems that will be difficult to solve in the future.

Vahid Maharramov, expert on agriculture:"Arable, high-quality land is currently being acquired by "Pasha Holding" and "Azersun". And I am sure that soon enough, these companies will completely seize the fertile lands that are close to water sources and are likely to be used and harvested in a better way. Thus when villagers, locals who lived there before occupation will see that fertile lands have been seized and will have to be offered only, let's say, uncultivable lands once they return there. And the result?  They will face problems there.”

Vahid Maharramov

Although the land areas allocated to the companies are known, the amount of share lands allocated to the population that will move to Karabakh is not. The spokesperson of the Ministry of Agriculture says that he is not aware of this.

Sattar Veysalov, a resident of Jabrayil city: "If they create conditions there and give us land free of charge, we will go and live there with pleasure. It is our land, our homeland. I went two or three times and was sent back. They didn't let me go. Wish I could at least go and see, since I am 86 years old now. I don't even know, whether I will make it to see those lands”

Although 86-year-old Jabrayil district resident Sattar Veysalov was not allowed to visit his land like other Karabakh residents, companies have already started working and earning money in these areas.


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